Derby Originals line of premium stainless steel stirrup irons features a broad array of sizes and styles of stirrup so that every rider, regardless of size or sport, can find their perfect pair of irons.
DESIGNED WITH YOUR COMFORT IN MIND - Derby Originals brand stirrups are only made from high-grade stainless steel and are designed to offer a comfortable option for every rider.
UNIQUE SAFETY DESIGN - our peacock stirrups feature an open outside edge that holds a leather tab and sturdy rubber band, which are designed to come loose and open up in the case of a fall to prevent a stuck foot.
STAINLESS STEEL CONSTRUCTION - our stirrups are only made from stainless steel, and unlike other inferior stirrups will never rust. When you invest in Derby brand stirrups, you’re investing in quality.
AVAILABLE IN ADULT AND YOUTH SIZING - our peacock stirrups are available in two sizes to accommodate riders of every age. Our youth size stirrups are perfect for protecting child riders.
WEIGHTED DESIGN - our fillis irons are weighted so that if you lose your stirrup, they will hang down and it will be much easier for you to regain your footing than with a non-weighted stirrup.