3 piece. How long can you keep wine after the bottle has been opened? The oxidation process starts immediately once the bottle is opened, which is initially a desired effect, particularly for red wine. Wine should "breathe" so that its bouquet and aromas can be released. But if it is in contact with air for too long, wine begins to lose its freshness and flavour. The effect: wine tastes flat and has to be poured away after two to three days.
No longer! The innovative seal of the Zwilling Fresh & Save vacuum wine sealer reliably slows down this process. Place the seal on the neck of the bottle and the powerful, handy vacuum pump (sold separately) extracts the air from the wine bottle at the press of a button. Aromas and freshness are securely locked in. Sealed like this, your wine will keep fresh longer in the fridge. The high quality vacuum wine sealer is not just perfect for wine bottles - oils and juices also retain their aromas and vitamins much longer when vacuum sealed.